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Tender Awarded

BNR Hotel & Rail Yatri Niwas
Tender no. Item/Nature of Work Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Tender Call Types of bidding (single/two bid system) Last date of receipt of tenders Nos. of tenders received Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation or late submission of tender Whether contract awarded to lowest tender/ Evaluated L1 Contract No. & Date Name of Contractor Value of Contract Rs. Scheduled date of completion of supplies
2006/IRCTC/T&M/BNR Hotel/Ranchi Re-developing, Operating, Maintaining of BNR Hotel Open Tender 3-Nov-2006 "Two Pkt" system 1-Dec-2006 2 1). M/s Sujata Hotels Private Ltd
2). M/s Dinanath Hotels
0 H-1 2006/IRCTC/T&M/BNR Hotel/RNC dt.27.12.06 M/s Sujata Hotels Private Ltd 15.45 CRORE 15
2006/IRCTC/T&M/BNR Hotel/Ranchi Re-developing, Operating, Maintaining of BNR Hotel Open Tender 3-Nov-2006 "Two Pkt" system 1-Dec-2006 2 1). M/s Sujata Hotels Private Ltd. 1). M/s Hotel Keshari ( A unit of Bimala Projects Pvt. Ltd) H-1 2006/IRCTC/T&M/BNR Hotel/Puri dt.27.12.06 M/s Sujata Hotels Private Ltd 9.96 CRORE 15
2006/IRCTC/T&M/Rail Yatri Niwas/ Howrah Re-developing, Operating, Maintaining of BNR Hotel Open Tender 3-Nov-2006 "Two Pkt" system 1-Dec-2006 3 1). M/s Ambika Empire Chennai
2). M/s Benfish Howrah
3). Hotel Meghalaya, Visakhapattnam
0 H-1 2006/IRCTC/T&M/BNR Hotel/HWH dt.27.12.06 M/s Hotel Meghalaya Vishakhapattnam 6.06 CRORES 15
2006/IRCTC/T&M/Rail Yatri Niwas/ New Delhi Re-developing, Operating, Maintaining of BNR Hotel Open Tender 3-Nov-2006 "Two Pkt" system 1-Dec-2006 2 1). M/s Indian Hotels Company Ltd. Mumbai. 1). M/s Shervani Industrial Syndicate Ltd. New Delhi H-1 2006/IRCTC/T M/BNR Hotel/NDLS dt.27.12.06 M/s Indian Hotels Company Ltd. Mumbai. 8.01 CRORES 15

Results of Tenders floated for Budget Hotel Projects and BNR- Hotels at RNC & PURI and RYN- NDLS & HWH

Result of Successful Bidders
Rail Ratna Brand of Budget Hotels at Railway Stations
Re-Developing,Operating,Maintaining & Transfer of Rail Yatri Niwas & BNR Hotels
BNR Hotels & Rail Yatri Niwas (License Period 15 years)(All figures Rs. in Crores)
Sl. No. Name of Location Name of Successful Bidder 15 yrs NPV (Discounted @ 10%)
1 RYN, New Delhi M/s IHCL, Mumbai 3.61
2 RYN, Howrah M/s Hotel Meghalaya,Vishakapatnam 2.59
3 BNR Puri M/s Sujata Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Patna 2.89
4 RYN, New Delhi M/s Sujata Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Patna 6.34

Tender no. Item/Nature of Work Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Tender call Types of bidding (single/two bid system) Last date of receipt of tenders Nos. of tenders received Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation or late submission of tender Whether contract awarded to lowest tender/ Evaluated L1 Contract No. & Date Name of Contractor Value of Contract Rs. Scheduled date of completion of supplies
2010/IRCTC/NRC/DMRC – Kiosk Fabrication and Installation of Food Kiosks at DMRC stations [129 appx.]Station Open Tender 14-AUG-2012 "Two Pkt" system 12.09.2012 up to 16:00 Hrs. 7 1). M/s ADMAN ADVERTISING
1)M/s MANN ENGENEERING WORKS L1 No-2012/IRCTC/CO/DMRC/Main dated 03-12-2012 1). M/s ADMAN ADVERTISING 5 crores 105 days from the date of issue of Letter of award.
2)M/s STUDIO THORN INTEGREATED PROMOTIONS PVT LTD Counter offer on L-1 Rates No-2012/IRCTC/CO/DMRC/Main dated 13-12-2012 2). M/s ELECTROSPARK
Tender No. Item/Nature of Work Awarded to Date Contract Period Contract Value Security Deposit Amt.
No./2013/IRCTC/ME/Portal/SMMpart-2 LOA Digital PR of Maharajas Express website owned by IRCTC M/s Prefect Relation Pvt. Ltd. 3-July-2013 16-July-2013 to 15-July-2014 1800000/- 90000/-
No.:2008/IRCTC/TOURISM/SERVICES/LTT/Train Exterior Work for Exterior Vinyl Wrapping of Luxury Tourist Train M/S Emprise Marketing. 28-Jun-2013 1st week July-2013 to 30-Aug-2013 3735710/- 273571/-
No.:2013/IRCTC/TOURISM/SERVICES/LTT/EOI-PT-III 56-B Work for interior repair and renovation of Luxury Tourist Train M/s Gharonda Assotech Projects Pvt. Ltd. 27-Jun-2013 1-July-2013 to 31-Aug-2013 4763396/- 376340/-
Tender no. Item/ Nature of work Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Tender Call Types of bidding Last date of receipt of tender No. of tender recvd. Nos. & Names of parties quailified after technical evaluatio Nos. & Names of parties not quailified after technical evaluation or late submission of tender Whether contract awarded to lowest tender/ evaluated L1 Contract no. and Date Name of contractor Value of contract (Rs.) Schedule date of completion of supply
2011/IRCTC/TOURISM/CAR RENTAL ( INSTITUTIONAL) Institutional car rental Open tender 5-Nov-2011 Two packet system 29-Nov-11 Two 1) M/s Chanson Motors Pvt. Ltd
2) M/S Vivek Travels
ECOS(I) Mobility & Hospitality (P) Ltd. L1 2011/IRCTC/TOURISM/CAR RENTAL (INSTITUTIONAL) Dt. 27-01-12 M/S Vivek Travels 1 Cr. (Approx) 04 Days from the date of issue of LOA
Tender for engagement of Off-board service provider for Mahaparinirvan Express ( Buddhist Train)
Tender No Item nature of work Mode of Tender Enquery Date of Tender call Types of bidding (Single/ Two Bid system) Last Date of receipt of tenders Nos. of tenders received Nos. and Names of parties qualified after techinical evaluation Nos. and Names of parties not qualified after techinical evaluation or last submission of tender Wheather contract awarded to lowesttender / eveluated L1 Contract No. & Date Names of contractor Value of contract Rs. Scheduled Date of completion of supplies
2010/ IRCTC/Tourism / Buddhist Special Service providers / Off -Board Services Buddhist Train Off-board Service Providers Open Tender 12-May-10 Single 3-Jun-10 4 1)M/s. Lotus Trans Travels P. Ltd 2) M/s Jatak Travels 3) M/s. Top Travels 1) M/s. Elite Holidays L-1 No : 2010/ IRCTC/Tourism /Buddhist Train / Off-Board Services M/s. Top Travel & Tours P. Ltd 1 Crore 1 Year Extendable by 1 Year
2012 /IRCTC /Tourism /Buddhist Tourist Special Train -Off-Bord Service Provider Buddhist Train Off-board Service Providers Open Tender 29-Jun-12 Single 23-Jul-12 3 1) M/s Jatak Travels 2)M/s Top Travels & Tours P. Ltd 3)M/s. Le Passage to India Tours Pvt. Ltd NIL L-1 2012 /IRCTC/Tourism /Buddhist train / Off-board Services M/s Jatak Travels Above 1 Crore 1 Year
2013/IRCTC /Tourism /Buddhist Train/Off-Bord Service Provider Buddhist Train Off-board Service Provider Open Tender 12-Jun-13 Single 9-Jul-13 2 1) M/s Jatak Travels 2)M/s Top Travels & Tours P. Ltd NIL L-1 2013 /IRCTC/Tourism /Buddhist Special / Ground Handeling Arrangements M/s Jatak Travels 2 Crore Approx 1 Year
2014/IRCTC /Tourism /Buddhist Train/Off-Bord Service Provider Buddhist Train Off-board Service Provider Open Tender 25-Jul-14 Single 20-Aug-14 2 1) M/s Jatak Travels 2)M/s Top Travels & Tours P. Ltd NIL L-1 2014 /IRCTC/Tourism /Buddhist Special / Ground Handeling Arrangements M/s Jatak Travels 2 Crore Approx 1 Year Extendable by 1 Year
Tender for engagement of Off-board service provider for Bharat Gaurav Trains
Serial No. Tender No Item nature of work Base Station of Rake Mode of tender opening Date of tender Call Types of bidding Last date of receipt of tenders Nos of tender recieved Nos and Names of parties qualified after technical evaluation Nos and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation or last submission of tender Awarded to
1 2022/IRCTC/TOURISM/OT/BGT/SCZ Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Hyderabad Open 26.12.2022 Two Bid System 02.02.2023 4 1) M/s Brandavan Food Products 2) M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd M/s Brandavan Food products
2 2022/IRCTC/TOURISM/OT/BGT/SZ Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Trivandrum Open 26.12.2022 Two Bid System 07.02.2023 4 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd M/s Brandavan Food products
3 2022/IRCTC/TOURISM/OT/BGT/(WZ) Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train CST Mumbai Open 26.12.2022 Two Bid System 02.02.2023 5 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Trans India Holiday Pvt. Ltd. 3.M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd M/s R. K Associates & Hotele Pvt. Ltd.
4 2022/IRCTC/TOURISM/OT/BGT/EZ Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Kolkata Open 26.12.2022 Two Bid System 07.02.2023 4 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd M/s R. K Associates & Hotele Pvt. Ltd.
5 2023/IRCTC/Tourism/OT/BGT/NFR Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Guwahati Open 10.01.2023 Two Bid System 09.02.2023 4 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd M/s R. K Associates & Hotele Pvt. Ltd.
6 2023/IRCTC/Tourism/OT/BGT/WR Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Indore Open 10.01.2023 Two Bid System 09.02.2023 6 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Trans India Holiday Pvt. Ltd. 3.M/s Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd. 4. M/s Zenith Leisure Holiday Ltd. M/s R. K Associates & Hotele Pvt. Ltd.
7 2023/IRCTC/Tourism/OT/BGT/NER Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Gorakhpur Open 10.01.2023 Two Bid System 13.02.2023 4 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers 2. M/s Zenith Leisure Holiday Ltd. M/s R. K Associates & Hotele Pvt. Ltd.
8 2023/IRCTC/Tourism/OT/BGT/SECR Refurbishment and Comprehensive Backend Operations of Bharat Gaurav Train Bilaspur Open 10.01.2023 Two Bid System 13.02.2023 3 1. M/s Brandavan Food Products 2. M/s. R. K Associates & Hotelier Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s Roop Caterers M/s Brandavan food Products
Tender for Rail Neer Plants
Tender No. Item/Nature of work Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Tender Call Date of bidding (single/two bid system) Last date of receipt of tenders Nos. of Tenders received Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation or late submission of tender Whether contract awarded to lowest tender/Evaluated L1 Contract No. & Date Name of Contractor  Approx Value of Contract (Rs.) Scheduled date of completion of supplies / contract
IRCTC/RN/AMB/PET BLOWING/2012 Supply, installation and commissioning of PET bottle blowing machines with compressors and auxiliary equipments at Rail Neer Plant, Ambernath near Mumbai. Open Tender 30.11.2012 Two Packet System 04.01.2013 2 1) M/s Ion Exchange (I) Ltd.
2) Sidel India Pvt. Ltd.
0 L-1 No. 2012-IRCTC/Rail Neer/234 Date 03.05.2013 M/s Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. 5.00 crore 6 months
IRCTC/RN/AMB/PACKAGING LINE/2012 Design, supply, installation & commissioning of 200 bpm PET bottle packaging line consisting of automatic rinsing-filling-capping, wrap around labeling, shrink film packaging and carton taping machines along with air and mechanical conveyers at Rail Neer Plant, Ambernath, Mumbai Open Tender 30.11.2012 Two Packet System 04.01.2013 2 1) M/s Ion Exchange (I) Ltd.
2) Hilden Packaging Machines Pvt. Ltd.
0 L-1 No. 2012-IRCTC/Rail Neer/232 Date 03.05.2013 M/s Hilden Packaging Machines Pvt. Ltd. 2.27 crore 6 months
IRCTC/RN/AMB/Material Handling & Storage/2012 Design, supply and installation of storage system and material handling equipments including drive in rack, Fork lift trucks and pallets at Rail Neer Plant, Ambernath, Mumbai Open Tender 30.11.2012 Two Packet System 04.01.2013 4 1) M/s Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.
2) M/s Kompress India Pvt. Ltd.
3) Indo Built Storage Pvt. Ltd.
4) M/s Nilkamal Bito Storage
0 L-1 No. 2012-IRCTC/Rail Neer/233 Date 03.05.2013 Ms/ Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. 1.00 crore 6 months
IRCTC/RNP/Ambernath/ P&M/2012 Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Water Treatment Plant of 15 m3/hr. Capacity, Ambernath near Mumbai Open Tender 30.11.2012 (Corrigendum dated 28.12.2012  Two Packet System 22.01.2013 3 1) M/s Ion Exchange (I) Ltd.
2) M/s Doshion Veolia
1) M/s R.K. Madhani & Co. L-1 No. 2012-IRCTC/Rail Neer/253 Dated 11.05.2013  M/s Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. 2,49 crore 6 months
Operation & Maintenance of Complete Packaged Drinking Water Bottling Plant for Five Years under Brand Name of Rail Neer at Ambernath (Near Mumbai) No. 2012-IRCTC/Rail Neer/253 Dated 11.05.2013  21.23 lacs (Monthly Amount) 5 years
IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/NAG/2011 Supply of PET Preforms at Rail Neer plant, Nangloi (Delhi) Open Tender 13.07.2011 Two Packet System 09.08.2011 5 1) M/s AMD Industries Ltd., Ghaziabad       2) M/s Pearl Drinks Ltd., Jammu 1) M/s SNJ Synthetics Ltd., Hyderabad               2)  M/s Chemco Plastic Industries Ltd., Mumbai              3) M/s Shreenaina Plastic Inc., Baddi (HP) L-1 IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/NAG/2011 dated 13.10.2011 M/s Pearl Drinks Ltd., Jammu 11.41 crores 12.10.2013
IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/DNP/2011 Supply of PET Preforms at Rail Neer plant, Danapur (Bihar) Open Tender 13.07.2011 Two Packet System 09.08.2011 6 1) M/s AMD Industries Ltd., Ghaziabad       2) M/s Pearl Drinks Ltd., Jammu 1) M/s SNJ Synthetics Ltd., Hyderabad               2)  M/s Chemco Plastic Industries Ltd., Mumbai              3) M/s Shreenaina Plastic Inc., Baddi 4) M/s Epitome Petrochemical Pvt. Ltd., Sikkim  L-1 IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/DNP/2011 dated 07.10.2011 M/s Pearl Drinks Ltd., Jammu 11.21 crores 10.10.2013
IRCTC/RN/CAPS/NAG/2012 Supply of HDPE Caps at Rail Neer plant, Nangloi (Delhi) Open Tender 07.12.2012 Two Packet System 03.01.2013 3 1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai  2) M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata.         3)  M/s Lunarmech Machinefabric Ltd, Mumbai.   1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai L-1 IRCTC/RN/CAPS/NAG/2012 dated 13.03.2013 M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata. 2.14 crore 14.03.2015
IRCTC/RN/CAPS/DNP/2012 Supply of HDPE Caps at Rail Neer plant, Danapur (Bihar) Open Tender 07.12.2012 Two Packet System 03.01.2013 3 1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai  2) M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata.         3)  M/s Lunarmech Machinefabric Ltd, Mumbai.   1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai L-1 IRCTC/RN/CAPS/DNP/2012 dated 13.03.2013 M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata. 2.02 crore 14.03.2015
IRCTC/RN/CAPS/PALUR/2012 Supply of HDPE Caps at Rail Neer plant, Palur (TN) Open Tender 07.12.2012 Two Packet System 03.01.2013 3 1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai  2) M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata.         3)  M/s Lunarmech Machinefabric Ltd, Mumbai.   1) M/s Plenco Closures Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai L-1 IRCTC/RN/CAPS/PALUR/2012 dated 13.03.2013 M/s Manaksia Ltd., Kolkata. 1.37 crore 14.03.2014
IRCTC/RN/NAG/LOGISTICS/2009 Tender for transportation and CFA services for Rail Neer Packaged Drinking water produced at Rail Neer plant, Nangloi Open Tender 30.11.2009 Two Packet System 28.01.2010 2 1)      M/s TCI Ltd., Delhi      2) M/s Western Carrier, Delhi  0 L-1 IRCTC/RN/LOGISTICS/NAG/2009 dated 23.06.2010 1)      M/s TCI Ltd., Delhi      2) M/s Western Carrier, Delhi  8.00 crore 31.10.2013
IRCTC/RN/NAG/LOGISTICS/2010 Tender for transportation and CFA services for Rail Neer Packaged Drinking water produced at Rail Neer plant, Danapur Open Tender 24.09.2010 Two Packet System 20.10.2010 3 1)      M/s TCI Ltd., Delhi      2) M/s Western Carrier, Delhi 3) M/s DARCL Logistics, Kolkatta 0 L-1 IRCTC/RN/LOGISTICS/DNP/2010 dated 24.12.2012 1)      M/s DARCL Logistics, Kolkatta      2) M/s TCI Ltd., Delhi       10.00 crore 31.12.2013
2010/IRCTC/Rail Neer/NNO/173 Tender for Operation and Maintenance of packaged drinking water bottling plant at Nangloi (Delhi) Open Tender 04.04.2011 Two Packet System 26.04.2011 3 1) M/s Ion Exchange (India) Ltd., Mumbai. 2) M/s Watech RO System (I) Pvt. Ltd., Surat. 3) P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur 1)  M/s Watech RO System (I) Pvt. Ltd., Surat.                2) P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur L-1 2010/IRCTC/RN/O&M/177 dated 20.07.2011 M/s Ion Exchange (India) Ltd., Mumbai. 11.00 crore 02.08.2016
2010/IRCTC/Rail Neer/DNP/173 Tender for Operation and Maintenance of packaged drinking water bottling plant at Danapur (Bihar) Open Tender 04.04.2011 Two Packet System 26.04.2011 3 1) M/s Ion Exchange (India) Ltd., Mumbai. 2) M/s Watech RO System (I) Pvt. Ltd., Surat. 3) P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur 1)  M/s Watech RO System (I) Pvt. Ltd., Surat.                2) P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur L-1 2010/IRCTC/RN/O&M/177 dated 23.07.2011 M/s Ion Exchange (India) Ltd., Mumbai. 10.50 crore 02.08.2016
IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/PALUR/2013 Supply of PET Preforms at Rail Neer plant, Palur (TN) Open Tender 14.05.2013 Two Packet System 04.06.2013 3 1) M/s SNJ Synthetics Ltd., Hyderabad       2) M/s Pearl Drinks Ltd., Jammu  3) M/s Manjushree Technopack, Bangalore 0 L-1 IRCTC/RN/PREFORMS/PALUR/2013 dated 13.07.2013 M/s Manjushree Technopack, Bangalore 13.46 crores 14.07.2014
Concluded Tender of Rail Neer Projects
Plant Site Tender no. Item/Nature of Work Mode of Tender Enquiry Date of Tender Call Types of bidding (single/two bid system) Last date of receipt of tenders Nos. of tenders received Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation or late submission of tender Whether contract awarded to lowest tender/ Evaluated L1 Contract No.   & Date Name of Contractor Value of Contract Rs. Scheduled date of completion of supplies
Amethi 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/ Dated 04/04/2013 Selection of Developer for setting up of ‘Rail Neer’ Packaged Drinking Water Plants on PPP model at four locations – Ambala (Kesri),  Amethi ,  Parassala(near Trivandrum) and Lalitpur Open Tender 23-Mar-2013 "Two Pkt" system 10-May-2013 9 1) M/s TAYAL-ACER JV 
2) M/s ION Exchange  
3) M/s UNO Foods (INDIA) P. Ltd.
1) M/s Linker Associates   
2) M/s Peekay Enterprises  
3) M/s P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.  
4) M/s North Agro Industries  
5) M/s S.R.  Voda INDIA Pvt. Ltd.  
6) M/s Aqua Plus Technologies
L-1 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/ Dated 23/08/2013 M/s ION Exchange (India) Ltd.   9 Months for Construction & 15 Years for Operation
Ambala 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/ Dated 04/04/2013 Selection of Developer for setting up of ‘Rail Neer’ Packaged Drinking Water Plants on PPP model at four locations – Ambala (Kesri),  Amethi ,  Parassala(near Trivandrum) and Lalitpur Open Tender 23-Mar-2013 "Two Pkt" system 10-May-2013 9 1) M/s TAYAL-ACER JV  
2) M/s ION Exchange  
3) M/s UNO Foods (INDIA) P. Ltd.  

1) M/s Linker Associates   
2) M/s Peekay Enterprises  
3) M/s P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.  
4) M/s North Agro Industries  
5) M/s S.R.  Voda INDIA Pvt. Ltd.  
6) M/s Aqua Plus Technologies   
L-1 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/ Dated 17/09/2013 M/s ION Exchange (India) Ltd.   9 Months for Construction & 15 Years for Operation
Lalitpur 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/ Dated 04/04/2013 Selection of Developer for setting up of ‘Rail Neer’ Packaged Drinking Water Plants on PPP model at four locations – Ambala (Kesri),  Amethi ,  Parassala(near Trivandrum) and Lalitpur Open Tender 23-Mar-2013 "Two Pkt" system 10-May-2013 9 1) M/s TAYAL-ACER JV  
2) M/s ION Exchange  
3) M/s UNO Foods (INDIA) P. Ltd.  

1) M/s Linker Associates   
2) M/s Peekay Enterprises  
3) M/s P.D. Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.  
4) M/s North Agro Industries  
5) M/s S.R.  Voda INDIA Pvt. Ltd.  
6) M/s Aqua Plus Technologies   
L-1 2013/IRCTC/RN/PDW/PPP/01/LAR Dated 10/10/2013 M/s UNO Foods (INDIA) P. Ltd.   9 Months for Construction & 15 Years for Operation
Bilaspur 2012/IRCTC/RNP/BSP/CW        Dated 20/06/2013 Civil works for the Construction of Rail Neer Plant at Bilaspur (Near Arpa River), Chattisgarh Open Tender 21-Jun-2013 "Two Pkt" system 22-Jul-2013 2 1) M/s P.D. Maheshwari
2) M/s Bajrangi Constructions 
0 L-1  2012/IRCTC/RNP/BSP/CW      Dated 08.11.13 M/s P.D. Maheshwari 01.50 CRORE 6 Months

Operational Food Plaza, Fast Food Unit, Food Court, Refreshment Rooms, Jan Ahaar, Retiring Rooms, Executive Lounge and RYN/BNR Hotels (as on 20-02-2025)

List of Operational Food Plaza/Fast Food Unit/Food Court (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Type of Unit Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 Abu Road Fast Food Unit  C R Catering CO. NZ NWR
2 Abu Road Food Plaza  Sai Balaji Food Corporation NZ NWR
3 Agartala Fast Food Unit  Tasty Foods EZ NFR
4 Agra Cantt Food Plaza Express Food Services NZ NCR
5 Agra Fort Food Plaza  Satkar Caterers NZ NCR
6 Ahmedabad Food Plaza Riya Fast Food WZ WR
7 Ahmednagar  Food Plaza  Jeet India Pvt. Ltd. WZ CR
8 Ajmer Food Plaza  Deepak & Co. NZ NWR
9 Akola Food Plaza Narmada Food and Dairy WZ CR
10 Aligarh Food Plaza  Om Sai Ram Enterprises NZ NCR
11 Aluva Fast Food Unit  K.K. Mashood SZ SR
12 Alwar  Food Plaza  Goel & Goel NZ NWR
13 Ambur Fast Food Unit Tamil Caterers SZ SR
14 Anakapalli Food Plaza  Mahadev Sales Agencies SCZ SCOR
15 Anand Vihar Quick Food Joint Om Sai Ram Enterprises NZ NR
16 Andheri-1 Fast Food Unit Namah Enterprises WZ WR
17 Anugrah Narayan Road Fast Food Unit P R Kumar EZ ECR
18 Arsikere Food Plaza  Sapphire Caters (Prop. A.K. Nazeer Moosa) SZ SWR
19 Asansol Fast Food Unit  Sopan Restaurant EZ ER
20 Asansol Food Plaza Tirupati Associates EZ ER
21 Aurangabad Food Plaza  Sunshine Caterers Pvt. Ltd. SCZ SCR
22 Ayodhya (First Floor) Food Plaza Express Food Services NZ NR
23 Ayodhya (Ground floor)  Food Plaza Express Food Services NZ NR
24 Badarpur Fast Food Unit  Tasty Foods EZ NFR
25 Badnera Fast Food Unit  R&K Associates WZ CR
26 Badshahnagar Fast Food Unit  Om Sai Ram Enterprises NZ NER
27 Bagnan Fast Food Unit S S Enterprises  EZ SER
28 Balasore Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises EZ SER
29 Balharshah Food Plaza  M.Y. & Sons WZ CR
30 Bangalore City  Food Plaza Krystal Gourmet SZ SWR
31 Bangalore City (Old Concourse) Fast Food Unit Tamil Caterers SZ SWR
32 Bangalore City (PF 7/8)  Fast Food Unit Krishna Enterprises SZ SWR
33 Bangalore City-II Fast Food Unit Vel Chakra Coffee Private Limited SZ SWR
34 Bangalore City-IV Fast Food Unit Vel Chakra Coffee Private Limited SZ SWR
35 Bangalore Garden Food Plaza  Hallimane SZ SWR
36 Bangarpet Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant SZ SWR
37 Bankura Fast Food Unit Vikas Gupta & Co.  EZ SER
38 Bapudham Motihari  Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  EZ ECR
39 Barauni  Fast Food Unit  Sopan Restaurant EZ ECR
40 Bardhman Fast Food Unit L P Enterprises EZ ER
41 Barh Fast Food Unit Shree Mahaveer Distributor and Caterer EZ ECR
42 Barkakana  Fast Food Unit  Gaurav Enterprise EZ ECR
43 Barpeta Road  Fast Food Unit  Griham Food & Hotel Pvt. Ltd. EZ NFR  
44 Basti Fast Food Unit Ram Nivas NZ NER
45 Begumpet (PF-2) Fast Food Unit  P. Siva Prasad SCZ SCR
46 Begusarai Fast Food Unit  Krishna Enterprises  EZ ECR
47 Belagavi Food Plaza R&K Associates SZ SWR
48 Belagavi Food Plaza  Sai Balaji Food & Beverages (I) Pvt Ltd SZ SWR
49 Berahampore Fast Food Unit  C R Catering CO. EZ ER
50 Berhampur Fast Food Unit  Smruti Enterprises SCZ ECOR
51 Betul Fast Food Unit  Shegaon Kachori Centre WZ CR
52 Bhadrak Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  SCZ Ecor
53 Bhadrak Food Plaza L P Enterprises SCZ ECOR
54 Bhagalpur Food Plaza Express Food Services EZ ER
55 Bhatni Fast Food Unit Baba Khajuri Caters NZ NER
56 Bhilwara  Fast Food Unit C R Catering CO. NZ NWR
57 Bhusawal Food Plaza SB Catering Services WZ CR
58 Bilaspur (PF 1&2/3) Fast Food Unit Sopan Restaurant SCZ SECR
59 Bilaspur (PF 6 & 7/8) Fast Food Unit Sunil Enterprises SCZ SECR
60 Bina Fast Food Unit Kanchan Restauranat and Catteres WZ WCR
61 Birur Fast Food Unit Srinavasa Catering Servicce and Milk Products SZ SWR
62 Burhanpur Fast Food Unit Madras Bakery WZ CR
63 Buxar Food Plaza  Tasty Foods EZ ECR
64 Cannanore Food Plaza KSI Associates SZ SR
65 Champa Fast Food Unit  Sopan Restaurant SCZ SECR
66 Chennai Beach Food Plaza A.Shajahan SZ SR
67 Chennai Central Fast Food Unit P N Ramees Ali SZ SR
68 Chennai Central Fast Food Unit Vel Chakra Coffee Private Limited SZ SR
69 Chennai Central
 Circulating Area
Food Plaza Adyar Ananda Bhavan Sweets India Pvt. Ltd. SZ SR
70 Chennai Park  Food Plaza Vel Chakra Coffee Private Limited SZ SR
71 Chhapra Food Plaza Tirupati Associates NZ NER
72 Chidambaram Fast Food Unit  C R Catering CO. SZ SR
73 Chirala Food Plaza  P. Siva Prasad SCZ SCR
74 Chitrakoot  Food Plaza Shree Mahaveer Distributor and Caterer NZ NCR
75 Chrompet Fast Food Unit Hotel New Paris SZ SR
76 Churchgate Fast Food Unit Delicia Foods  WZ WR
77 Churchgate Food Plaza  Brandavan Food Products WZ WR
78 Coimbatore Food Plaza  Harshad N SZ SR
79 CSTM Main Line Food Plaza  A.S. Sales Corp. WZ CR
80 Cuddapah Fast Food Unit  Golden Caterers SCZ SCR
81 Cuttack Food Court Yatri Corporate Services Pvt Ltd  SCZ Ecor
82 Daltonganj Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises EZ ECR
83 Danapur Fast Food Unit  Rajesh Kumar Ray EZ ECR
84 Danapur Food Plaza  Tasty Foods EZ ECR
85 Darbhanga Food Plaza Express Food Services EZ ECR
86 Daund Food Plaza KSI Associates WZ CR
87 Davangere Fast Food Unit Srinavasa Catering Servicce and Milk Products SZ SWR
88 Dehri on Sone  Fast Food Unit  Krishna Enterprises  EZ ECR
89 Devlali Fast Food Unit Jayant Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering Pvt. Ltd (Now M/s Araha Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.) WZ CR
90 Dhamangaon Fast Food Unit  Janki Nandan Bhojnalay WZ CR
91 Dharmavaram Fast Food Unit Krishnaveni Catering Services SCZ SCR
92 Digha Fast Food Unit Amar Caterers EZ SER
93 Dildar Nagar Fast Food Unit  Deshi vyanjan Catering Service LLP EZ ECR
94 Dimapur Food Plaza  Griham Food & Hotel Pvt. Ltd. EZ NFR
95 Dindigul Food Plaza Hebeeb Ctering Service SZ SR
96 Diphu Fast Food Unit Jayant Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering Pvt. Ltd (Now M/s Araha Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.) EZ NFR
97 Durg Fast Food Unit Sunil Provision Store SCZ SECR
98 Durgapur Food Plaza Tirupati Associates EZ ER
99 Dwarka Food Plaza  R.K Sharma WZ WR
100 Ernakulam North  Food Plaza P N Ramees Ali SZ SR
101 Ernakulam South  Food Plaza P N Ramees Ali SZ SR
102 Erode Food Plaza Express Food Services SZ SR
103 Firozpur Cantt Food Plaza Tirupati Associates NZ NR
104 Ghazipur City Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises NZ NER
105 Ghum Fast Food Unit Raj Group EZ NFR
106 Godhra  Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises WZ WR
107 Gomoh Fast Food Unit Manju Gaur & Associates EZ ECR
108 Gonda Fast Food Unit R.K Food Products NZ NER
109 Gondia Fast Food Unit Shiv & Sons SCZ SECR
110 Gooty Fast Food Unit Krishnaveni Catering Services SCZ SCR
111 Gorakhpur Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises NZ NER
112 Gorakhpur-I (Circulating Area) Fast Food Unit Tirupati Associates NZ NER
113 Goregoan Food Plaza  Boon Catering Pvt. Ltd. WZ WR
114 Gudur Food Plaza Fine Caterers & Suppliers SCZ SCR
115 Gulbarga-2 (Kalaburagi) Food Plaza Tirupati Associates WZ CR
116 Guna Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant WZ WCR
117 Guntakal Food Plaza  Sunil Catering Services SCZ SCOR
118 Guntakal Food Plaza A.J.S Caterers SCZ SCR
119 Guntur Food Plaza P N Ramees Ali SCZ SCR
120 Guwahati Food Plaza Tirupati Associates EZ NFR
121 Hajipur Food Plaza  Ganga Dairy Limited EZ ECR
122 Hassan Fast Food Unit Mehnaz Aquil SZ SWR
123 Hospet Food Plaza Lotus FP SZ SWR
124 Howrah  Fast Food Unit Harish Kumar Arora EZ ER
125 Howrah  Food Plaza  Satyam Caterers Pvt. Ltd. EZ ER
126 Howrah (Old Complex) Food Plaza Jayant Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering Pvt. Ltd (Now M/s Araha Hospitality Pvt. Ltd.) EZ ER
127 Hubli Food Plaza  A.S. Sales Corp. SZ SWR
128 Hyderabad Food Plaza  Roop Caterers SCZ SCR
129 Itarsi Food Plaza Express Food Services WZ WCR
130 Jabalpur Food Plaza Shiv & Sons WZ WR
131 Jajpur Keonjhar  Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  SCZ Ecor
132 Jalandhar City Food Plaza Sopan Restaurant NZ NR
133 Jaleswar Fast Food Unit Mahadev sales Agencies EZ SER
134 Jalgaon Food Plaza  Shaheed Enterprises WZ CR
135 Jamnagar Food Plaza  Boon Catering Pvt. Ltd. WZ WR
136 Jamui Fast Food Unit P R Kumar EZ ECR
137 Jasidih Fast Food Unit Om Sai Ram Enterprises EZ ER
138 Jasidih Food Plaza Om Sai Ram Enterprises EZ ER
139 Jehanabad Fast Food Unit Navivan and Sons Enterprises EZ ECR
140 Jhansi Food Plaza Express Food Services NZ NCR
141 Jhunsi Food Plaza Punam Enterprises NZ NER
142 Jolarpet Fast Food Unit  Vasantham Catering SZ SR
143 Kacheguda Fast Food Unit SB Catering Services SCZ SCR
144 Kacheguda Food Plaza Madan Petha Store SCZ SCR
145 Kamakhya Food Plaza Tirupati Associates EZ NFR
146 Kanpur Food Plaza Express Food Services NZ NCR
147 Kashipur Fast Food Unit Dinesh Singh Tomar Catering Service NZ NER
148 Kathgodam Food Plaza Vrindawan Enterprises NZ NER
149 Katihar Food Plaza P R Kumar EZ NFR
150 Katni Food Plaza  Deepak & Co. WZ WCR
151 katni Murwara Fast Food Unit A.J.S Caterers WZ WCR
152 Katpadi Fast Food Unit A.Shajahan SZ SR
153 Kevadiya Food Plaza Jagdish Foods Pvt Ltd WZ WR
154 Khandwa Fast Food Unit Kanchan Restauranat and Catteres WZ CR
155 Kharagpur Food Plaza Goel & Goel EZ SER
156 Khurda Road Fast Food Unit Choudhaury Aaijazuddin Ahmed SCZ ECOR 
157 Khurda Road Food Plaza L P Enterprises SCZ EcoR
158 Kishanganj Food Plaza  Krishna Enterprises  EZ NFR
159 KIUL Fast Food Unit  A.J.S Caterers EZ ECR
160 Kochuveli Fast Food Unit Suhag Marrige Hall & Cateres SZ SR
161 KODERMA Fast Food Unit P R Kumar EZ ECR
162 Kolkata Terminal Fast Food Unit Sharda Food & Beverage Private Limited EZ ER
163 Kopargaon Food Plaza  Sunshine Caterers Pvt. Ltd. WZ CR
164 Krishnarajapuram Food Plaza  T.S. Khadeer Ahmed SZ SWR
165 Kumbakonam Fast Food Unit  Habeeb Catering Service SZ SR
166 Lalkuan Fast Food Unit R.K Food Products NZ NER
167 Lingampalli Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  SCZ SCR
168 Loharu Jn. Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant NZ NWR
169 Lonavala Food Plaza Om Sai Ram Enterprises WZ CR
170 Londa Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises SZ SWR
171 Lucknow Fast Food Unit Harish Kumar Arora NZ NR
172 Lucknow Food Plaza Brandavan Food Products NZ NR
173 Lucknow jn Food Plaza Ambuj Hotel & Real Estate Pvt ltd NZ NER
174 Lumding Food Plaza  Rathour Services EZ NFR
175 Madhupur Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant EZ ER
176 Maihar Fast Food Unit Star Foods Associates WZ WCR
177 Maksi Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant WZ WR
178 Malakpet Fast Food Unit M S Food Court SCZ SCR
179 Malda Town Fast Food Unit Tirupati Associates EZ ER
180 Malda Town Food Plaza Tirupati Associates EZ ER
181 Mangalore Food Plaza  C K K Catering SZ SR
182 Maninagar Food Plaza  S M Corporation WZ WR
183 Manmad Food Plaza  A.S. Sales Corp. WZ CR
184 Mansi Fast Food Unit  Krishna Enterprises  EZ ECR
185 Mantralayam Fast Food Unit Sunil kumar Agarwal SCZ SCR
186 Mathura Jn. Food Plaza  Roop Caterers NZ NCR
187 Mehsana Food Plaza Express Food Services WZ WR
188 Merta Road  Fast Food Unit  Boon N Zeal Enterprises NZ NWR
189 Miraj Food Plaza  R&K Associates WZ CR
190 Mokama Fast Food Unit P R Kumar EZ ECR
191 Morena Fast Food Unit  Galav Foods NZ NCR
192 Mumbai Central  Food Plaza Devyani International Limited WZ WR
193 Muzaffarpur Food Plaza  Ganga Dairy Limited EZ ECR
194 Nagarsol Fast Food Unit  V Rajaneepriya SCZ SCR
195 Nagda Food Plaza Tirupati Associates WZ WR
196 Nagercoil Fast Food Unit Vasantham Catering SZ SR
197 Nagpur Food Plaza Oam industries India Pvt Ltd WZ CR
198 Nalgonda Food Plaza Fine Caterers & Suppliers SCZ SCR
199 Nandyal Food Plaza A.J.S Caterers SCZ SCR
200 Narkatiaganj Fast Food Unit P R Kumar EZ ECR
201 Nasik Road Food Plaza A.J.S Caterers WZ CR
202 New Bongaigaon Fast Food Unit  Rajesh Kumar Ray EZ NFR
203 NEW DELHI Food Plaza  P.K.Shefi NZ NR
204 New Jalpaiguri Food Plaza  Griham Food & Hotel Pvt. Ltd. EZ NFR
205 Newtinsukia Food Plaza S S Enterprises  EZ NFR
206 Nungambakkam  Fast Food Unit Hale Beverages Private Limited SZ SR
207 Old Delhi Food Plaza Bird Catering and lounges Pvt Ltd. NZ NR
208 Ongole Fast Food Unit Hotel New Paris SCZ SCOR
209 Orai Fast Food Unit Hemant Kumar Shukla NZ NCR
210 Palani Food Plaza Abbas Catering SZ SR
211 Palanpur Food Plaza Tirupati Associates WZ WR
212 Palasa Food Plaza Dinesh Singh Tomar Catering Service SCZ ECOR
213 Palghar Fast Food Unit R.K Sharma WZ WR
214 Palghat Food Plaza  J.S. Enterprises SZ SR
215 Pallavaram Fast Food Unit Habbeb Catering Cervices SZ SR
216 Paranur Fast Food Unit  J Aajar Baneesh SZ SR
217 Patliputra Food Plaza KMA Caterers EZ ECR
218 Patna Food Plaza Express Food Services EZ ECR
219 Patna-1 Fast Food Unit  A.S. Sales Corp. EZ ECR
220 Patna-2 Fast Food Unit R.K.Associates & Hoteliers Pvt. Ltd. EZ ECR
221 Pazhavanthangal Fast Food Unit  J Aajar Baneesh SZ SR
222 Pendra Road Station  Fast Food Unit  S.L. Kachhwaha & Sons SCZ SECR
223 Perungalathur Fast Food Unit V City Enterprises SZ SR
225 Pratapgarh Fast Food Unit R.K Food Products NZ NR
226 Prayagraj Food Plaza A.S. Sales Corp. NZ NCR
227 Prayagraj Chheoki Fast Food Unit  Sunshine Caterers Pvt. Ltd. NZ NCR
228 Prayagraj Sangam Food Plaza Boon N Zeal Enterprises NZ NR
229 PT. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction.  Fast Food Unit Om Sai Ram Enterprises EZ ECR
230 Pune Food Plaza Hemant Kumar Shukla WZ CR
231 Pune Food Plaza Om Sai Ram Enterprises WZ CR
233 Pune (PF- 4/5) Fast Food Unit  A.S. Sales Corp. WZ CR
234 Puri Fast Food Unit Express Food Services SCZ ECOR
235 Purnea Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  EZ NFR
236 Raichur  Food Plaza Seema Caterers SCZ SCOR
237 Raigarh Food Plaza Harish Kumar Arora SCZ SECR
238 Raigarh  Fast Food Unit  S.L. Kachhwaha & Sons SCZ SECR
239 Raipur  Food Plaza  Deepak & Co. SCZ SECR
240 Rajendernagar Food Plaza  Poorvanchal Caterers EZ ECR
241 Rajkot Food Plaza Express Food Services WZ WR
242 Rajnandgaon Fast Food Unit  Goel & Goel SCZ SECR
244 Ranchi Food Plaza R.K.Associates & Hoteliers Pvt. Ltd. EZ SER
245 Rangiya Food Plaza Alok Kumar Ghose Catering Pvt. Ltd. EZ NFR
246 Raxaul Food Plaza  Ganga Dairy Limited EZ ECR
247 Rayagada Food Plaza  Tasty Foods SCZ ECoR
248 Renigunta Fast Food Unit  Sopan Restaurant SCZ SCR
249 Renigunta Fast Food Unit P N Ramees Ali SCZ SCOR
250 Rewa Food Plaza  Hotel Mahamaya WZ WCR
251 Saharsa Fast Food Unit  Raj Group EZ ECR
252 Salem Food Plaza  J.S. Enterprises SZ SR
253 Samalkot Food Plaza Om Sai Ram Enterprises SCZ SCOR
254 Samastipur Fast Food Unit Maa Bhawani Foods  EZ ECR
255 Sambalpur Food Plaza  Sree Venkateswara Enterprises (Prop. CH Sai Krishna) SCZ ECoR
256 Sangli Fast Food Unit Dinesh Singh Tomar Catering Service WZ CR
257 Santragachi Fast Food Unit Sharda Food & Beverage Private Limited EZ SER
258 Sasaram Fast Food Unit Bhopal Udipi Restaurant EZ ECR
259 Saugor Food Plaza Tirupati Associates WZ WCR
260 Sawai Madhopur Food Plaza  Boon Catering Pvt. Ltd. WZ WCR
261 Sealdah Fast Food Unit Sharda Food & Beverage Private Limited EZ ER
262 Sealdah Food Plaza  A.S. Sales Corp. EZ ER
263 Sewagram Fast Food Unit R.K Sharma WZ CR
264 Shahdol (PF.1&2/3) Fast Food Unit Sunil Provision Store SCZ SECR
265 Shahganj Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises NZ NR
266 Shalimar Food Plaza Araha Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. (Earstwhile Jayant Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering Pvt. Ltd ) EZ SER
267 Shalimar 2 Fast Food Unit Araha Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. (Earstwhile Jayant Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering Pvt. Ltd ) EZ SER
268 Shalimar-1 Fast Food Unit Sopan Restaurant EZ SER
269 Shegaon Fast Food Unit Punam Enterprises WZ CR
270 Shimoga Town Fast Food Unit A R Caterers SZ SWR
271 Shoranur Food Plaza M Abdul Salam  SZ SR
272 Silchar Fast Food Unit  Raj Group EZ NFR
273 Sir M visvesvaraya Terminal Banglore ( Unit-A)  Fast Food Unit A R Caterers SZ SWR
274 Sir M visvesvaraya Terminal Banglore ( Unit-B)  Fast Food Unit Mehnaz Aquil SZ SWR
275 Solapur Food Plaza  K.M.Khandelwal WZ CR
276 SSS Hubli 3rd Entry Food Plaza R.K Food Products SZ SWR
277 Surendernagar Fast Food Unit SIDDHI VINAYAK FOOD SERVICES WZ WR
278 Tadepalligudem Food Plaza KSI Associates SCZ SCR
279 Talegaon Fast Food Unit ABC Enterprises WZ CR
280 Tambaram (East & West 2nd Entry) Food Plaza  J.S. Catters SZ SR
281 Tatanagar Food Plaza  KMA Caterers EZ SER
282 Tatanagar Food Plaza Goel & Goel EZ SER
283 Thalassery Food Plaza  J.S. Catters SZ SR
284 Thanjavur Fast Food Unit  Habeeb Catering Service SZ SR
285 Thrissur Food Plaza  P.K.Shefi SZ SR
286 Tiruchchirappalli Food Plaza  P.K.Shefi SZ SR
287 Tiruchchirappalli Food Plaza Vasantham Catering SZ SR
288 Tirunelveli  Fast Food Unit  Vasantham Catering SZ SR
289 Tiruvallur Fast Food Unit Goel & Goel SZ SR
290 Tiruvanmiyur Fast Food Unit Hale Beverages Private Limited SZ SR
291 Trivandrum Food Plaza  Sai Balaji Food & Beverages (I) Pvt Ltd SZ SR
292 Tumkur Fast Food Unit PES Caters SZ SWR
293 Tuni Fast Food Unit  Sambasiva Enterprises Private Limited SCZ SCR
294 Ujjain Food Plaza Express Food Services WZ WR
295 Vadodara Food Plaza A.A. Catering Co. WZ WR
296 Vandalur Fast Food Unit Abbas Catering SZ SR
297 Vapi Food Plaza  Shaheed Enterprises WZ WR
298 Varanasi Cantt Food Plaza Om Sai Ram Enterprises NZ NR
299 Veraval Fast Food Unit Maa kamakhya Enterprises WZ WR
300 Vijayawada Fast Food Unit A Diet Express Hospitality Service Ltd. SCZ SCR
301 Vijayawada Food Plaza R.K.Associates & Hoteliers Pvt. Ltd. SCZ SCR
302 Vijayawada Food Plaza P N Ramees Ali SCZ SCR
303 Villivakkam Fast Food Unit Hyfa Catering SZ SR
304 Villupuram Food Plaza  Vasantham Catering SZ SR
305 Visakhapatnam Food Plaza  Tirupati Associates SCZ SCOR
306 Visakhapatnam Food Plaza Travel Food Services Pvt. Ltd. SCZ ECoR
307 Visakhapatnam Food Plaza  P.K.Shefi SCZ ECOR
308 Vizianagaram Fast Food Unit Sopan Restaurant SCZ ECoR
309 Vizianagaram Food Plaza Sree Venkateswara Enterprises (Prop. CH Sai Krishna) SCZ ECoR
310 Wadi Food Plaza Chandra Caterers WZ CR
311 Wardha Fast Food Unit C R Catering CO. WZ CR

List of Operational Refreshment Room (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Type of Unit Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 Aburoad Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NWR
2 Agra Fort Refreshment Room Sambha Shiva Enterprises North Zone NCR
3 Akola Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons West Zone CR
4 Aligarh Refreshment Room Tirupati Associates North Zone NCR
5 Alleppey Non. Veg Refreshment Room PES Caters South Zone SR
6 Ambala Cantt. Jn. Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
7 Amritsar Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
8 Anand Refreshment Room Madras Bakery West Zone WR
9 Arakkonam Junction Refreshment Room Raj Group  South Zone SR
10 Aurangabad Refreshment Room A.R Caterers South Central Zone SCR
11 Ayodhya Cant (Faizabad) Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons North Zone NR
12 Badnera Refreshment Room Madras Bakery West Zone CR
13 Bandra Terminus Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant West Zone WR
14 Bangalore Refreshment Room AJS Caterers South Zone SWR
15 Bangarapet Veg. Refreshment Room T.S.Khader Ahamed South Zone SWR
16 Barabanki Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
17 Barauni Jn. Refreshment Room Express Food Services  East Zone ECR
18 Bareilly Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
19 Baruch Refreshment Room Shri Laxmi Narayan Enterprises West Zone WR
20 Bellary Non. Veg Refreshment Room A.R Caterers South Zone SWR
21 Bettiah Refreshment Room Maa Bhawani Foods East Zone ECR
22 Bhadrak Refreshment Room Mahadev Sales Agencies South Central Zone ECoR
23 Bhagalpur Refreshment Room L.P. Enterprises East Zone ER
24 Bhandara Road Refreshment Room Quinn India South Central Zone SECR
25 Bharatpur Refreshment Room Punam Enterprises West Zone WCR
26 Bharkhtiyarpur Refreshment Room Abhay & Ajay Shanker East Zone ECR
27 Bhatinda Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
28 Bhopal Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant West Zone WCR
29 Bijapur Veg. Refreshment Room Seema Caterers South Zone SWR
30 Bina Non. Veg Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant West Zone WCR
31 Buxar Refreshment Room J.P. Singh & Brothers East Zone ECR
32 Chengalpattu Junction Refreshment Room PES Caters South Zone SR
33 Chennai central                     Refreshment Room P N Ramees Ali South Zone SR
34 Bhiwani Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NWR
35 Chennai Egmore Veg. Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant South Zone SR
36 Chhapra Veg. Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NER
37 Chhapra Non. Veg Refreshment Room Maa Bhawani Foods North Zone NER
38 Chittaurgarh Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons West Zone WR
39 Warrangal Refreshment Room Express Food Services  South Central Zone SCR
40 Coimbatore Veg. Refreshment Room Ranish Hotel South Zone SR
41 Daund Refreshment Room M.B. Agarwal & Co,  West Zone CR
42 Dehradun Refreshment Room Tirupati Associates North Zone NR
43 Dehri-on-sone Refreshment Room Krishna Enterprises East Zone ECR
44 Dhanbad Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons East Zone ECR
45 Durgapur Refreshment Room K.R.Associates East Zone ER
46 Etawa Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NCR
47 Gomoh Refreshment Room Maa Bhawani Foods East Zone ECR
48 Gondia Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant South Central Zone SECR
49 Guntakal Refreshment Room A.R Caterers South Central Zone SCR
50 Gwalior Refreshment Room R D Sharma & Sons North Zone NCR
51 Hanumangarh Refreshment Room Madan Petha Store North Zone NWR
52 Hapur Refreshment Room Chouhan Caters North Zone NR
53 Haridwar Refreshment Room P.Siva Prasad North Zone NR
54 Hubballi Junction Refreshment Room Md Sarfaraz catering service South Zone SWR
55 Indore Refreshment Room Punam Enterprises West Zone WR
56 Itarsi Non. Veg Refreshment Room Shiv & sons West Zone WCR
57 Jaipur Refreshment Room Hemant Kumar Shukla North Zone NWR
58 Jalandhar City Refreshment Room S.B Catering Services North Zone NR
59 Jasidih Refreshment Room C R Catering CO. East Zone ER
60 Jaunpur Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NR
61 Jodhpur Refreshment Room Express Food Services  North Zone NWR
62 Cuddapah Refreshment Room C R Catering CO.  South Central Zone SCR
63 Kalka Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
64 Kannur Refreshment Room Safe Catering  South Zone SR
65 Katihar Jn Refreshment Room Krishna Enterprises East Zone NFR
66 Katpadi                             Refreshment Room M. Abdul Salam South Zone SR
67 Kayakulam Veg. Refreshment Room Pappadies Caterers South Zone SR
68 Kazipet Refreshment Room Fine Caterers & Suppliars South Central Zone SCR
69 Khandwa Refreshment Room Express Food Services  West Zone CR
70 Kurduwadi Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons West Zone CR
71 Ludhiana Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NR
72 Madhupur Refreshment Room L.P. Enterprises East Zone ER
73 Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) Refreshment Room Punam Enterprises West Zone CR
74 Jamnagar Refreshment Room J.K Caterers West Zone WR
75 Mahoba Refreshment Room R D Sharma & Sons North Zone NCR
76 Barpeta Road Refreshment Room B.R. Catering & Store East Zone NFR
77 Malda Town Refreshment Room Krishna Enterprises East Zone ER
78 Mangalore Cen. Non. Veg Refreshment Room P N Ramees Ali South Zone SR
79 Manmad Refreshment Room Hotel Radhika West Zone CR
80 Mathura Jn Refreshment Room S.B Catering Services North Zone NCR
81 Mau  Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NER
82 Mayiladuturai Veg. Refreshment Room P.Siva Prasad South Zone SR
83 Mettupalayam Veg. Refreshment Room A.R Caterers South Zone SR
84 Mokama Refreshment Room Purv Rly Annapurna Caterers Vendors Canteen Co-operative Society Ltd. East Zone ECR
85 Mysore Refreshment Room  Trivarga Food & beverages South Zone SR
86 Nagaur Refreshment Room Siddhi Vinayak Food Sevices  North Zone NWR
87 Nagercoil Veg. Refreshment Room Vasantham Catering South Zone SR
88 Narkatiaganj Refreshment Room Vijay Kumar Verma East Zone ECR
89 New Alipurduar Refreshment Room Shri Sukhendu Paul East Zone NFR
90 Kathgodam Refreshment Room Sharifam Khan Railway Catering Licensee North Zone NER
91 New Tinsukia Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant East Zone NFR
92 Ongole Refreshment Room Fine Caterers & Suppliars South Central Zone SCR
93 Orai Refreshment Room Dharmendra Kumar North Zone NCR
94 Palakkad Non. Veg Refreshment Room Ranish Hotel South Zone SR
95 Palanpur Refreshment Room Manju Gaur West Zone WR
96 Pathankot Refreshment Room  Ram Nivas North Zone NR
97 Phulera Jn. Refreshment Room S.B Catering Services North Zone NWR
98 Pratapgarh Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
99 Prayagraj (Allahabad) Refreshment Room R.K Food Products North Zone NCR
100 Rae Bareli Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons North Zone NR
101 Rampurhut Refreshment Room Raj Group  East Zone ER
102 Ranchi Veg. Refreshment Room  Shiv & Sons East Zone SER
103 Rayagada Refreshment Room L.P. Enterprises South Central Zone ECoR
104 Renigunta Refreshment Room P.Siva Prasad South Central Zone SCR
105 Rourkela Junction Refreshment Room Shiv & Sons East Zone SER
106 Saharanpur Refreshment Room Sanraj Hospitality pvt ltd North Zone NR
107 Salem                           Refreshment Room (integrated BK) P N Ramees Ali South Zone SR
108 Samastipur Jn. Refreshment Room Maa Bhawani Foods East Zone ECR
109 Sasaram Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant East Zone ECR
110 Sathya Sai Pasanthi Niliayam (SSPN) Veg. Refreshment Room PES Caters South Zone SWR
111 Shahganj Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant North Zone NR
112 Shegaon Refreshment Room Premier bakery West Zone CR
113 Shoranur Refreshment Room M. Abdul Salam South Zone SR
114 Siwan Refreshment Room Maa Bhawani Foods North Zone NER
115 Sultanpur Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NR
116 Surendranagar Refreshment Room Sopan Restaurant West Zone WR
117 Thanjavur Refreshment Room Habeeb Catering Services South Zone SR
118 Tiruchirapali Refreshment Room Arenco Catering South Zone SR
119 Tirupati Refreshment Room A Diet Express Hospitality Service Ltd. South Central Zone SCR
120 Tiruvananthapuram central           Refreshment Room Harshad N South Zone SR
121 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Refreshment Room V.V. Traders North Zone NR
122 Tundla Refreshment Room R.K. Food Products North Zone NCR
123 Kiul Jn Refreshment Room Krishna Enterprises East Zone ECR
124 Udaipur Refreshment Room Vrindavan Catering Co. North Zone NWR
125 Viramgam I Refreshment Room Dinesh Singh Tomar Catering Service West Zone WR
126 Viramgam II Non. Veg Refreshment Room Goel & Goel  West Zone WR
127 Vizianagaram Refreshment Room Sree Venkateswara Enterprises South Central Zone ECoR
128 Chengannur Refreshment Room Shaiesta Caterers South Zone SR
129 Wardha Refreshment Room Tasty Food West Zone CR
130 Raxaual Refreshment Room Punam Enterprises East Zone ECR
131 Bhusawal Refreshment Room Madras Bakery West Zone CR

List of Operational Jan Ahaars (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Type of Unit Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 Agartala Jan Ahaar B.R. Catering & Store East Zone NFR
2 Alipur Daur Jn. Jan Ahaar B.R. Catering & Store East Zone NFR
3 Asansol Jan Ahaar Sopan Restaurant East Zone ER
4 Balasore Jan Ahaar Harish Kumar Arora  East Zone SER
5 Bhusawal Jan Ahaar Harish Kumar Arora  West Zone CR
6 Din Dayal Upadhaya Jan Ahaar Harish Kumar Arora  East Zone ECR
7 Gorakhpur Jan Ahaar Shiv & Sons North Zone NER
8 Hijli Jan Ahaar K.R.Associates East Zone SER
9 Howrah old complex Jan Ahaar Harish Kumar Arora  East Zone ER
10 Jabalpur Jan Ahaar Kanchan Restaurant & Catteres West Zone WCR
11 Jharsuguda Jan Ahaar Jayanta Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering (P) Ltd. East Zone SER
12 Kamakhya Jan Ahaar Sopan Restaurant East Zone NFR
13 Kharagpur Jan Ahaar Mahadev Sales Agencies East Zone SER
14 khurda Road Jan Ahaar Hemant Kumar Shukla South Central Zone EcoR
15 Miraj Jan Ahaar Shaheed Enterprises West Zone CR
16 Mumbai Central Jan Ahaar J K Ghosh outdoor catering pvt ltd West Zone WR
17 Nagpur Jan Ahaar Shiv & Sons West Zone CR
18 Naharlagun Jan Ahaar Jayanta Kumar Ghosh Outdoor Catering (P) Ltd. East Zone NFR
19 New Cooch Beher Jan Ahaar C R Catering CO.  East Zone NFR
20 New Delhi(16 platform) Jan Ahaar   North Zone NR
21 New Tinsukia Jan Ahaar Shiv & Sons East Zone NFR
22 Palasa Jan Ahaar Hemant Kumar Shukla South Central Zone EcoR
23 Pathankot cantt Jan Ahaar Doon Caterers North Zone NR
24 Pipariya Jan Ahaar R.K Food Products West Zone WCR
25 Pune Jan Ahaar Express Food Services  West Zone CR
26 Ratlam Jan Ahaar R & K Associates West Zone WR
27 Renigunta Jan Ahaar P.Siva Prasad South Central Zone SCR
28 Sainagar Shirdi Jan Ahaar Hemant Kumar Shukla West Zone CR
29 Satna Jan Ahaar Sopan Restaurant West Zone WCR
30 Sealdah Jan Ahaar P.P Caterers Pvt Ltd East Zone ER
31 Shalimar Jan Ahaar Araha Hospitality pvt ltd East Zone ER
32 Solapur Jan Ahaar Sopan Restaurant West Zone CR
33 Srikakulam Road Jan Ahaar Mahadev Sales Agencies South Central Zone EcoR
34 Vadodara Jan Ahaar Harish Kumar Arora  West Zone WR
35 Varanasi Jan Ahaar Om Sai Ram Enterprises North Zone NR
36 Vijayawada Jan Ahaar P K shefi  South Central Zone SCR
37 Yashwantpur Jan Ahaar Shaiesta Caterers South Zone SWR

List of Operational Retiring Room (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Type of Unit Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 Adilabad Retiring Room M/s. Good Food Catering Services SCZ SCR
2 AGRA Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. NZ NCR
3 Anand  Retiring Room M/s. RMD Hotel & Resorts (P) Ltd. WZ WR
4 Anand Vihar Retiring Room M/s. Siddhi Vinayak Food Services NZ NR
5 Araku Retiring Room M/s Sri Sai Enterprises SCZ SCoR
6 Ayodhya Retiring Room M/s. Exprees food services NZ NER
7 BILASPUR Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. SCZ SECR
8 Dahod Retiring Room M/s. Namah Enterprises WZ WR
9 Damoh Retiring Room M/s. Star Food Associates WZ WCR
10 Dwarka (New
Retiring Room M/s. Namah Enterprises WZ WR
11 Gorakhpur Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. NZ NER
12 Gulbarga Retiring Room  M/s. Punam Enterprises WZ CR
13 Guntur Retiring Room M/s. SPIDER Protections (P) Ltd. SCZ SCR
14 Gwalior Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. NZ NCR
15 Hospet Retiring Room M/s. Doon's Caterer SZ SWR
16 Hubbali Retiring Room M/s. Namah Enterprises SZ SWR
17 Jaipur Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. NZ NWR
18 Jalgaon Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ CR
19 Kacheguda Retiring Room M/s. Renuka Enterprises SCZ SCR
20 Kakinada Town Retiring Room M/s. Trivarga Food & Beverages SCZ SCR
21 Karwar Retiring Room M/s. JHA Enterprises WZ KR
22 Kazipet Jn. Retiring Room  M/s. Punam Enterprises SCZ SCR
23 Kopergaon Retiring Room  M/s. Punam Enterprises WZ CR
24 Kota Retiring Room M/s. R & K Associates WZ WCR
25 LONAVALA Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ CR
26 Lucknow LKO Retiring Room M/s. R & K Associates NZ NR
27 Lucknow NER Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. NZ NER
28 Madgaon Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ KR
29 Maihar Retiring Room M/s. Namah Enterprises WZ WCR
30 Mumbai Central POD Retiring Room M/s. URBAN POD WZ WR
31 Nadiad Retiring Room M/s. RMD Hotel & Resorts (P) Ltd. WZ WR
32 Nanded Retiring Room M/s. R & K Associates SCZ SCR
33 NASIK ROAD Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ CR
34 Palakkad Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. SZ SR
35 Parbhani Jn. Retiring Room  M/s. Rakshak  Securitas (P) Ltd  SCZ SCR
36 Pune Retiring Room M/s. Shaheed Ent. WZ CR
37 Rajahmundry Retiring Room  M/s. Fresh Minds Services (P) Ltd  SCZ SCR
38 Rajender Nagar Retiring Room M/s. SPIDER Protections (P) Ltd. EZ ECR
39 Ranchi Retiring Room M/s. Doon's Caterer EZ ECR
40 Sagour Retiring Room M/s. Star Food Associates WZ WCR
41 Sealdah Retiring Room M/s. RMD Hotel & Resorts (P) Ltd. EZ ER
42 Solapur Retiring Room M/s. KMA Caterer . WZ WR
43 Tanjavaur Retiring Room  M/s. Fresh Minds Services (P) Ltd  SZ SR
44 Tatanagar Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. EZ SER
45 Thivim Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ KR
46 Thrichirapally Retiring Room M/s. RMD Hotel & Resorts (P) Ltd. SZ SR
47 Udupi Retiring Room M/s. Namah Enterprises WZ KR
48 Vadodara Retiring Room M/s. M Dinshaw & Ranjit Hotel (P) Ltd. WZ WR
49 Varanasi Junction Retiring Room M/s. Renuka Enterprises NZ NR

List of Operational Executive Lounge (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Type of Unit Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 New Delhi Executive Lounge M/s. R.K. Associates & Hotelier (P) Ltd. NZ NR
2 Jaipur Executive Lounge M/s. R.K. Associates & Hotelier (P) Ltd. NZ NWR
3 Madurai Jn Executive Lounge M/s. RMD Hotels & Resorts (P) Ltd. SZ SR
4 Sealdah Executive Lounge M/s. RMD Hotels & Resorts (P) Ltd. EZ ER
5 New Delhi (Paharganj Side) Executive Lounge M/s. RMD Hotels & Resorts (P) Ltd. NZ NR
6 Varanasi Jn Executive Lounge M/s. Hotel Pradeep NZ NR
7 Dwarka Executive Lounge M/s.Aroon Food Service (P) Ltd. WZ WR

List of RYN/BNR Hotels (as on 20-02-2025)

SN Station Name Unit Type Licensee Name IRCTC-Zone Zonal Railway
1 Ranchi BNR Hotel  Sujata Hotel Pvt Ltd EZ SER
2 Puri  BNR Hotel  Sujata Hotel Pvt Ltd SCZ ECOR
3 Howrah Rail Yatri Niwas Meghalaya Hotels Pvt Ltd EZ ER
EOI No. 2014/IRCTC/Tourism Marketing/EOI/empanelment of advertising agencies dated 13.01.2015
S.No Agency
1 M/s Adman Advertising
2 M/s Concept Communication Ltd.
3 M/s Meracntile Advertising
4 M/s Mode Advertising & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
5 M/s Pamm Advertising & Marketing.
6 M/s R K Swamy BBDO Private Limited.
7 M/s Sharad Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
8 M/s Square Communications Pvt. Ltd.