Right To Information act

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17 items (manuals) prescribed in clause (b) sub-section 1 of section 4 which every public authority is required to publish within one hundred and twenty days from the enactment of the Act


INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING & TOURISM CORPORATION LIMITED (IRCTC Ltd.), A Govt. of India Enterprise-A mini Ratna, has taken concrete actions to provide information to the citizens of the country in accordance with the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act). This section of IRCTC’s official website along with other relevant sections contain information as required to be published under Section 4 (1)(b) of the Act.


I. Particulars of organization, functions & duties

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd (A Government of India Enterprise) has been set up by the Ministry of Railways with the basic purpose of hiving off entire catering and tourism activity of the railways to the new Corporation so as to professionalize and upgrade these services with public-private participation. Rail based Tourism in India will be the specific vehicle for achieving high growth in coordination with state agencies, tour operators, travel agents and the hospitality industry. A dynamic marketing strategy in association with public and private agencies, tour operators, transporters, hoteliers and local tour promoters is on the anvil. Indian Railways span global volumes in hospitality and catering sectors with services provided to 13 million passengers every day.


"Enhance customer services and facilitation in railway catering, hospitality, travel and tourism with best industry practices".

  • To be a customer friendly company through constant innovation, technology driven and human resource development.
  • Optimize resources, increase manpower productivity through quality product vending and innovative marketing strategies.
  • Upgrade and consolidate catering services in the organized sector.
  • Expand areas of core competencies, enhance business opportunities through efficient public - private partnerships to maximize generation of resources.
  • Imbibe strong and ethical work culture through teamwork, build and reposition Indian Railways in the emerging services sector.
  • Evolve high standards of business ethics, quality management and effective cost control measures.
  • Concern for the environment and heritage.

II. Powers and duties of Officers and employees

IRCTC Ltd. is registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and operates as a Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railway The powers of company officials have been defined in the “Schedule of Powers” (www.irctc.com). The duties are assigned from time to time depending upon their cadre & department in which they are posted.

III. Procedures followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability.

This is as per organizational hierarchy & organization Structure (www.irctc.com)

IV. Norms set by IRCTC for the discharge of its functions

It is as per the mission & objectives of the company.

V. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by IRCTC or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions

IRCTC follows rules/regulations approved for implementation in the company. Some of the important documents for this purpose are:

Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

Human Resource Development policies & Rules.

CVC /DPE/DOPT & other Govt. Instructions

VI. Statement of the categories of documents that are held by IRCTC or under its control

IRCTC holds the commercial & operational documents related to the business operations of the company as well as data of its employees.

VI. Statement of the categories of documents that are held by IRCTC or under its control

IRCTC holds the commercial & operational documents related to the business operations of the company as well as data of its employees.

VII. The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof

IRCTC Ltd. is a Central PSE under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railway & is registered under the Companies Act. The Company has constant interaction with Indian Railways/Govt. Departments/Committees. CVC /DPE/DOPT & other Govt. Instructions are guiding factors for formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

VIII. Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meeting of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meeting are accessible for public.

Board of Directors is constituted following the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 consisting of Government of India nominees and independent directors. While decision taken or minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors are not accessible by the public, important decisions regarding the company and/or its management are being communicated to the statutory authorities as also to the public as required under the law from time to time. However company is publishing the Annual Report of the company for its functioning and this can be viewed in company website “www.irctc.com

IX. Directory of Officers:

1 Sh. Sanjay Kumar Jain Chairman & Managing Director Chairman & Managing Director
2 Shri Rabindra Nath Mishra Director Finance(L/A). Incharge of Finance Department.
3 Dr. Lokiah RaviKumar Director (Catering Services). Incharge of Catering Services.
4 Sh. Rahul Himalian Director (Tourism & Marketing). Incharge of Tourism & Marketing.
5 Sh. Pradeep Kumar Chief Vigilance Officer Incharge of all Vigilance related matters.
6 Smt. Rashmi Gautam Group General Manager (Mobile Catering Services). Incharge of Mobile Catering Services.
7 Sh. Sunil Kumar Group General Manager/MCS/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of Mobile Catering matters.
8 Sh. Jagtosh Shukla Group General Manager/IT/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of IT matters.
9 Sh. Sudeesh. V.C Group General Manager/ITP/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of IT - Projects matters.
10 Sh. Sandip Trivedi Group General Manager/HRD & RAJBHASHA/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of HR matters.
11 Sh. Sudhir Kumar Group General Manager/Finance-I/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of Finance Accounts and matters.
12 Sh. G Kabui Group General Manager/Finance-II/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of Finance Accounts and matters.
13 Sh. Suresh Kumar Sharma Group General Manager/ Services/Corporate Office. Overall Incharge of services matters.
14 Sh. Vinay Kumar Pathak Group General Manager/ (P&T)/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of (P&T) matters.
Group General Manager/ (Additional charge Infra)/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of Infra matters.
15 Sh. Sanjay Priyadarshnam General Manager/ Rail Neer/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Overall Incharge of Rail Neer Matters.
16 Sh. Ajit Kumar Sinha CRM/Lucknow/RO Incharge of all matters related to RO/Lucknow.
17 Sh. P Rajkumar Group General Manager/ South Central Zone/Secunderabad (GGM Incharge). Overall Incharge of all matters related to South Central Zone, Secunderabad.
18 Shri Promila Gupta Group General Manager/Corporate Office/Tourism Incharge of Tourism matters
19 Shri Manoj Kumar Singh Group General Manager/East Zone/Kolkata Overall Incharge of all matters related to East Zone, Kolkata.
20 Sh. Rajalingam Basu Group General Manager/ South Zone/Chennai. Overall Incharge of all matters related to South Zone, Chennai.
21 Manoj Kumar Sharma Group General Manager/ North Zone. Overall Incharge of all matters related to North Zone, Delhi.
22 Sh. Rajesh Rana General Manager/NP, Q, E-catg /CO/New Delhi. Incharge of all matters related to New Projects, Quality, E-catering.
23 Sh. K Ravi Kumar General Manager/ SCZ/Secunderabad. Incharge of Rail Neer and Tourism Matters.
24 Sh. Sudhir Warrier General Manager/SCS/Corporate Office/New Delhi. Incharge of all matters related to Static Catering Services.
25 Sh. Pradeep Kumar Dhiman General Manager/Tourism/CO. Incharge of all matters related to Tourism Services.
26 Sh. Gaurav Jha Group General Manager/Corporate Office/West Zone/Mumbai. Overall Incharge of all matters related to West Zone, Mumbai.
27 Sh. Anil Gupta General Manager/Corporate Office/Catering. Incharge of Catering services.

X. Monthly remuneration received by company's Officers and employees.


Revised IDA pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017
Designation Grade Minimum Basic Maximum Basic No. of employees as on 25.06.2024
Chairman &Managing Director E10 1,80,000 3,20,000 1
Director E9 1,60,000 2,90,000 4
GGM/CRM E8 1,20,000 2,80,000 14
GM E7 1,00,000 2,60,000 8
AGM E6 90,000 2,40,000 54
JGM E5 80,000 2,20,000 32
DGM E4 70,000 2,00,000 63
Manager E3 60,000 1,80,000 37
AM E2 50,000 1,60,000 35
Sr. Executive E1 40,000 1,40,000 28
Executive E0 30,000 1,20,000 147
Chief Supervisor S4 29,000 1,00,000 324
Sr. Supervisor S3 27,000 95,000 8
Supervisor S2 25,000 90,000 1
Assistant Supervisor S1 24,000 85,000 225
Catering Assistant W6 21,000 80,000 127
Asstt.SupvervisorCatg. W5 20,000 75,000 227
Jr.Assistant/Bill Issuer W4 18,000 70,000 23
Sr.Helper W3 16,000 65,000 18
Sr.Helper W2 15,000 60,000 10
Helper W1 14,000 50,000 10

XI. Budget allocated to each of company, plans, expenditures, disbursements made etc.

XII. Execution of subsidy programmes, concessions, permits or authorizations granted by IRCTC

XIII. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by IRCTC

XIV. Details in respect of information held by IRCTC in electronic form

XV. Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of Library, Reading Room , if maintained for public use.

The company does not maintain any Public Library.

XVI. (The Names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information, Officers; )


List of AAs & CPIOs
S.N Name of the officer (Smt/Sh) Designation Subject Nominated as Email Id
Corporate Office- New Delhi B-148, Statesman House, 11th & 12th Floor, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001
1 Sh. Sandip Trivedi GGM/HRD All matters First Appellate Authority ggmhrd@irctc.com
2 Sh. Arindam Banerjee DGM/HRD Nodal Officer as well as CPIO/HRD CPIO arindam.banerjee@irctc.com
3 Mrs. Suman Kalra Company Secretary Company Affairs & other Secretarial work CPIO companysecretary@irctc.com
4 Sh. Rahul Gupta AGM/Fin Financial matters CPIO rahul.gupta@irctc.com
5 Sh. Pradeep Dhiman GM/Tourism Tourism & General Administration CPIO pdhiman4802@irctc.com
6 Smt. Nalini Arvind DGM/IT IT CPIO narvind2517@irctc.com
7 Sh. Vineet B. Tiwari Vigilance Officer Vigilance CPIO vineet.tiwari@irctc.com
8 Sh. Dilip Goyal JGM/Catg Catering CPIO dgoyal4775@irctc.com
9 Sh. P.K. Jha Mgr./Services Services CPIO pkjha6468@irctc.com
10 Sh. U.K.S. Gaharwar JGM/RNP Rail Neer Plant CPIO uksgaharwar4777@irctc.com
11 Sh. P. C. Behari AGM/Legal Legal CPIO pcbihari2494@irctc.com
12 Sh. Tarun Kumar AGM/Infra Infrastructure CPIO agminfra@irctc.com
Rail Yatri Niwas Building, New Delhi Railway Station Complex, Ajmeri Gate Side, New Delhi - 110002
S.No. IRCTC- North Zone/New Delhi Subject Nominated as Email Id
1 Shri Manoj Kumar Sharma | GGM/NZ All Appellate Authority ggmnz@irctc.com
2 Ms. Madhumita Chatterjee | AGM (HRD& Admin.) HRD, Gen. Admin. & Legal CPIO madhumita6173@irctc.com
3 Sh. K. M. Singh| AGM (Finance) Finance CPIO km.singh@irctc.com
4 Sh. A. K. Jha| AGM(SCS) SCS, Events, E-Catering etc. CPIO akjha2476@irctc.com
5 Sh. Virender Singh| AGM (MCS) MCS, CRM, Control etc CPIO vsingh16@irctc.com
6 Sh. M.P.S. Raghav| AGM(Tourism) Tourism CPIO mpsraghav@irctc.com
7 Sh. A. K. Jha| AGM(CS) Railneer CPIO akjha2476@irctc.com
8 Sh. R.K. Chand| JGM (CS) BK/NDLS & Catering-Procurement CPIO rkchand4768@irctc.com
6A,The Rain Tree Place,No. 9 Mc Nicholas Road,Chetpet,Chennai 600031
S.No. IRCTC- South Zone/Chennai Subject Nominated as Email Id
1 Sh. P Rajalingam Basu| GGM/SZ All Appellate Authority ggmsz@irctc.com
2 Shri. Shreekumar Sadanandan | AGM/CS/SZ All CPIO ssadanandan2483@irctc.com
2nd Floor,New Administrative Building,Central Railway,CST, Mumbai-400001
S.No. IRCTC- West Zone/Mumbai Subject Nominated as Email Id
1 Sh. Gaurav Jha | GGM/WZ All Appellate Authority ggmmumbai@irctc.com
2 Sh. A.V. Taksande | AGM/HRD All CPIO avtaskande5744@irctc.com
3 Sh. Harshvardhan Singh Rawat | AGM/T Tourism CPIO harshvardhan.rawat@irctc.com
4 Shri Iftekhar Alam | AGM/CS& Rail Neer Rail Neer CPIO ialam4758@irctc.com
5 Shri. Sandip Datta | AGM/CS Catering CPIO sdutta4761@irctc.com
6 Shri. Vijay S Kundle | DGM/Finance Finance CPIO kvshrikant2680@irctc.com
7 Shri. Pinakin Morawala | JGM/CS & RM ADI RO/ADI CPIO pkmorawala4773@irctc.com
8 Shri. Raja Bhattacharya | AGM/T & RM/BPL RO/BPL CPIO rbhattacharya@irctc.com
Old Koilaghat Building,Ground Floor,3,Koilaghat Street, Kolkata 700001
S.No. IRCTC-East Zone/ Kolkata Subject Nominated as Email Id
1 Sh. Manoj Kumar Singh | GGM All Appellate Authority ggmkolkatta@irctc.com
2 Sh. Vipin Kumar | DGM/HRD All CPIO vkumar2646@irctc.com
9-1-129/1/302, 3rd Floor, Oxford Plaza, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500003
S.No. IRCTC- South Central Zone/ Secunderabad Subject Nominated as Email Id
1 Sh. P Raj Kumar | GGM All Appellate Authority ggmsecunderabad@irctc.com
2 Sh. Dayanandam M | DGM/HRD All CPIO dayanandam2654@irctc.com
3 Shri Anuj Dutta | Regional Manager/BBS RO/BBS CPIO adutta4467@irctc.com
4 Shri V A Sridhar | AGM/Finance Finance CPIO vasridhar219@irctc.com
5 Shri DSGP Kishore | JGM/T/ZO Tourism/Internet Ticketing CPIO koshoresatya4738@irctc.com
6 Shri Biju Lakshmanan | JGM/CS Catering (Mobile & RNP) CPIO blakshmanan4757@irctc.com
7 Shri Gladstone David | JGM/Q&C Q & C/Complaints CPIO gdavid4766@irctc.com
8 Shri. S.K Thakur | DGM/CS Catering (Static) CPIO skthakur2601@irctc.com
9 Shri Subhash Chander | DGM/CS/BSP Area Office/BSP CPIO chandra.subhash@irctc.com

XVII. Other useful information

All remittances in connection with seeking information under RTI Act must be made through Demand Draft/Postal orders to be addressed to “IRCTC Ltd.”.

During 2023-24, a total of 2531 RTI Applications and 162 RTI Appeals were received under RTI Act, 2005. Detail of RTI Applications and Appeals is as below.

Particulars Opening Balance as on 01.04.2023 No. of Applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6 (3) Received during the year No. of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decision where requests /appeals rejected Decision where requests /appeals replied Pending as on 31.03.2024
RTI Reuqests 49 3 2531 260 25 2011 107
RTI Appeals 3 0 162 0 0 143 22

During 2022-23, a total of 1836 RTI Applications and 141 RTI Appeals were received under RTI Act, 2005. Detail of RTI Applications and Appeals is as below.

Particulars Opening Balance as on 01.04.2021 No. of Applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6 (3) Received during the year No. of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decision where requests /appeals rejected Decision where requests /appeals replied Pending as on 31.03.2022
RTI Applications 101 0 1836 348 1 1555 33
RTI Appeals 5 0 141 0 6 138 2

During 2021-22, a total of 1599 RTI Applications were received under RTI Act, 2005. Detail of RTI Applications and Appeals is as below.

Particulars Opening Balance as on 01.04.2020 No. of Applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6 (3) Received during the year No. of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decision where requests /appeals rejected Decision where requests /appeals replied Pending as on 31.03.2021
RTI Requests 36 12 1599 366 2 1166 101
RTI Appeals 4 0 95 0 0 94 5

During 2020-21, a total of 1876 RTI Applications were received under RTI Act, 2005. Detail of RTI Applications and Appeals is as below.

Particulars Opening Balance as on 01.04.2020 No. of Applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6 (3) Received during the year No. of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decision where requests /appeals rejected Decision where requests /appeals replied Pending as on 31.03.2021
RTI Requests 34 39 1876 434 2 1434 36
RTI Appeals 3 0 141 2 0 117 4

During 2019-20, a total of 2304 RTI Applications were received under RTI Act, 2005. Detail of RTI Applications and Appeals is as below.

Particulars Opening Balance as on 01.04.2019 No. of Applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6 (3) Received during the year No. of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decision where requests /appeals rejected Decision where requests /appeals replied Pending as on 31.03.2020
RTI Requests 263 59 2304 462 6 1789 369 *
RTI Appeals 20 0 129 6 0 127 16 *

During 2018-19, a total of _2056_cases under RTI Act, 2005 were received and all the applications were disposed off in timely manner.

Particulars No. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3) Received during the year [including cases transferred to other PAs] No. of cases transferred to other Pas u/s 6(3) Decisions where requests/ appeals rejected Decisions where requests/appeals replied
Requests 107 2024 384 28 1587
First Appeals 0 167 2 0 165

During 2017-18, a total of _2338_cases under RTI Act, 2005 were received and all the applications were disposed off in timely manner.

Particulars No. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3) Received during the year [including cases transferred to other PAs] No. of cases transferred to other Pas u/s 6(3) Decisions where requests/ appeals rejected Decisions where requests/appeals replied
Requests 137 1944 244 6 1815
First Appeals 0 62 16 0 63

During 2016-17, a total of _1269_cases under RTI Act, 2005 were received and all the applications were disposed off in timely manner.

Particulars No. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3) Received during the year [including cases transferred to other PAs] No. of cases transferred to other Pas u/s 6(3) Decisions where requests/ appeals rejected Decisions where requests/appeals replied
Requests 87 1041 63 13 1015
First Appeals 0 21 1 0 17

RTI Online – The Objective

ICT based tool that facilitates/empowers the citizens to:

  • File RTI Request online .
  • File first Appeal online.
  • Receive Reply online.
  • Track and Monitor the status.

Facilitates the Ministries/Departments/Apex Bodies of GOI to:

  • e-Manage and e-Monitor the RTI request and First Appeal.


RTI Online has two components:

  • The online request and appeal filing system

  • The RTI Request and Appeal Management System

RTI Online – Key Features

Citizen Interface

  • Create/maintain master directories of
    • Central Public Information Officer (CPIO),
    • First Appellate Authority (FAA),
    • Deemed Public Information Officer (DPIO) and
    • Transparency Officer (TO)
  • Create user accounts for CPIOs, FAAs, DPIOs, RTI Centralll users
  • Receive and forward online requests and appeals, received from citizens
  • Generate RTI returns

RTI Online – Key features

Nodal Officer

  • File request online
  • File first appeal online
  • Track status
  • Become a registered user of RTI Online (optional)
  • Make payments online towards RTI fee and RTI additional fee for APL applicants
  • Status through Email and SMS at various stages of the processing cycle of RTI requests/first appeals

Salient Features

  • Available 24x7 all through the year for filing/tracking of RTI request and first appeal.
  • Enables the citizens to file RTI request and first Appeal online to the concerned Public Authority.
  • RTI fee and additional fee online through Credit/Debit cards or Internet Banking facility of SBI and its associate banks.
  • System generated unique registration number for the RTI requests and first appeals.
  • System generated letters at various stages of processing of RTI requests/first appeals thus reducing the time for drafting and typing the same.
  • Monitoring at the level of Nodal Officer for all CPIOs and FAAs.
  • Generation of various types of Returns.
  • System maintains the history of all the actions chronologically in the life cycle of a RTI Request and first appeal.
  • Citizen can track the status of RTI request or first appeal.
  • Status through SMS and Email to citizen at various stages of the life cycle of RTI request and first appeal.
  • Facility to register and upload the RTI request and first appeal received physically by the public authorities.
  • Alerts on pending RTI requests to CPIOs.
  • Monitoring of RTI requests/first appeals by CPIOs/FAAs through various MIS reports.

INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING & TOURISM CORPORATION LIMITED Application form for seeking information under RTI Act, 2005

The Public Information Officer or the Asst Public Information Officer IRCTC Ltd.

1. Full Name of the Applicant (In capital letters) :

2. Father’s/Husband’s Name (In capital letters) :

3. Complete Address (In capital letters) :


4. Telephone No.

Mobile, if any

5. Whether belong to BPL category (if yes, please attach a copy of Yes No the BPL/Antyodaya ration card to claim waiver of the application fee)

6. Details of Application fee:

NOTE: The required RTI fee may be submitted in favour of “IRCTC Ltd.” payable at New Delhi.

7. Cash Receipt/DD/Date Name of the issuing Bank/Authority Amount Bankers cheque no.

8. Particulars of Information required :(Please enclose separate sheet, if required)


I State that I am a citizen of India.


Signature of Applicant

Contents for First Appellate Authority: An appeal to the First Appellate Authority shall contain the following information, namely:

  • I. Name and address of the appellant;
  • II. Name and address of the Public Information Officer against the decision of whom the appeal preferred;
  • III. Particulars of the order including number, if any, against which the appeal is preferred;
  • IV. Brief facts leading to the appeal;
  • V. if the appeal is preferred against deemed refusal, the particulars of the application, including number and date and name and address of the Public Information Officer to whom the application was made;
  • VI. Prayer or relief sought;
  • VII. Grounds for the prayer or relief;
  • VIII. Verification by the appellant; and
  • IX. Any other information, which the Corporation may deem necessary for deciding the appeal.

Documents to accompany appeal ‐ every appeal made to the First Appellate Authority shall be accompanied with the Self‐attested copies of the Orders or documents and copy of application against which the appeal is being preferred.

NOTE: Names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information, Officers can be viewed at Point no. XVI.